Taurus Horoscope 2018
In 2018 you need to listen closely to people, who are authoritative for you. Taurus reacts harshly on critique, but try to perceive it as a help, and not as a poignancy. In case of Taurus this is what is meant when people say to turn your weakness into strengths. Rely on your inner feeling and avoid or refuse from things that don’t suit you, as it doesn’t promise anything good for you.
In 2018 Taurus will have lots of positive moments, as there will be lots of Venus presence in their life. Its force will rule and guide Taurus through the year.
In 2018 Taurus will have lots of positive moments, as there will be lots of Venus presence in their life. Its force will rule and guide Taurus through the year.
The beginning of the year should be very energetic, as well as Taurus. After Saturn in Capricorn conjunction with Venus, it becomes in conjunction with the Sun. You will determine your goals and your desires will have all the chances to come true. You need to dream and plan big. Venus is moving towards Pluto in Capricorn. It means that if you feel that you need a major change – don’t hesitate and initiate changes into your life.
The Sun and the Venus will be in Taurus at the same time this year. It is a period to add more beauty and aesthetic into your life. Stand for what you believe is true, don’t let others tell you what and when to do in your personal matters.
In October Venus is retrograde in Scorpio and in November – in Libra, which means that you will have more time for your partner, and get more love in return.
You will get more benefits from your material situation in 2018. Open your eyes and really look at what you have created and reached so far. Don’t choose a task or a project only because of financial part, in 2018 go only for those things that interest you.
Career horoscope 2018
It will be a very profitable year in terms of career for Taurus. Taurus will need to demonstrate lots of adjustability, as the rules of the game will be changing. The thing to keep stable is your goals and long-term plans. It will help you maintain consistency. Use your stubbornness wisely and it will bring you positive results. You will have lots of things to accomplish. But, it is better for Taurus not to be involved in any team-activities or deals. If you work hard, 2018 will reward you generously in the end of the year. The end of 2018 will be very successful and profitable for your career.
Love and Marriage horoscope 2018
Romantic relationships will be in balanced through the year. 2018 promises to introduce lots of new and exciting experiences into your love life. Some representatives of this sign will not care about relationships at all, while others will concentrate fully on it. The middle of the year is the most pleasant period for Taurus in terms of love. Let go the ghosts of your past, don’t compare or expect anything from your partner, and you will be surprised. Taurus in relationship in 2018 will have to withstand the test of time and circumstances. Your relationships will give you vital energy you need for everyday life.
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