Aquarius horoscope 2018
2018 will be a year full of adventures for Aquarius. You will find a place where you feel comfortable and your love life will bring you few surprises. This year will give you a feeling that everything is going to be alright. It would be good for Aquarius to have a plan for the year, in order to rely on something global this year.
It is a year of progress in many fields, and Aquarius needs to be psychologically ready for this. Not all the changes will go seamlessly on you, but all of them will lead to the best outcome.
Your ruling planet Uranus is going through long transition back from Aries into Taurus in May. After this Uranus is retrograde into Aries in November. It is a start of a very impactful changes in your life, they are not rapid, but you will notice them some period after.
Saturn will reunite with its Capricorn. Though Uranus this year is rebelling for changes in your life, Saturn will temper it, and make everything smoother for you, adding some sense of stability.
Mars retrograde in summer will also add a stable component, though the atmosphere around you will get only hotter.
From October till November Venus will be retrograde. During this period everything will calm down, especially problems in the love life. You and your partner will have a clear mind for a reasonable talk.
Generally, you will have a year full of events, important conversations and lots of new contacts.
Career horoscope 2018
In 2018 there will be a lot of profitable placements of the planets that favor good career for this sign. They will be involved into a new part of the job, and it will lead to lots of interesting discoveries. You will get a new sense of purpose and will open lots of your personal traits that were unavailable before. It will give you a possibility to become a better and more confident version of yourself. You will also need to concentrate on building good relationships with your co-workers, because the year will be quite intense and the last thing that you need is the problems with work relationships. Your main goal is to focus and to direct your energy on the tasks you are fulfilling. Customer relationships will also play a major role in your career. The second half of the year will be really intense at work.
Love and Marriage horoscope 2018
2018 will give Aquarius a lot of opportunities to improve their romantic relationships. 2018 is the year when you are very close to the person who is your real soulmate. Some of you will finally go for a serious commitment, other will only find this person. It will take lots of energy for you, because you will need to compromise and might be involved in responsibilities and you will not feel like doing it. People already in relationships will built more sincere and open communication with their partners. It is a year when you need to take care of your partner, and your partner will do the same for you in return this year. Relationships can be a foundation that provides you with energy, purpose and vitality during 2018.
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