Pisces zodiac sign
Sea green
Day:Thursday, Monday
Best for Marriage and Partnerships:Virgo
Lucky Numbers:3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25, 30, 34, 43, 52

Date range: February 19 - March 20
Strengths: Merciful, artistic, intuitive, kind, smart, musical.
Weaknesses: Afraid of many things, too naïve, moody, escape from the real world, is commonly a victim.
Pisces likes: Solitude, sleeping, music, romanticism, arts, swimming.
Pisces dislikes: Criticism, inability to get rid of the past, violence, cruel behavior.
These identities are utterly pally and prefer all kinds of people. The more unconventional their mates are, the better they feel. They aren't egoistic at all and never refuse to help other identities. They can even forget for some time about their own needs. And they will never ask something in return. They are merciful and emotional.
These folks possess a well-developed intuition and are very artistic. This all is thanks to Neptune. They have a strong connection with music, which plays significant role in their life. They are open-handed, ardent, caring and utterly dedicated.
Thanks to tremendous intuitive skills, these identities can slightly interact with different folks. They have many good friends.
They are also known for their intellect. They are pretty wise and stay in touch with the feelings of other identities. This makes out of them good listeners and advisors. They avoid judging other people and are considered to be the most patient and tolerant sign out of other signs in the Zodiac hierarchy.

These folks are irredeemable in their hearts. They are absolutely dedicated, kind-hearted and are very open-handed to their second parts. They are ardent and always seek a deep emotional connection with their parents. They aren't adventurous at all and any risks easily scare them off. They stand only for lasting and serious relations. In personal relations, they are trustworthy and caring.

Kind and loving, these individualities are excellent friends. Commonly, they throw away all other dealings and try to help their dearest people. No matter what is needed, they will do it. Ardent and dedicated, such friends will be always valued by any sign. When there are some problems by their closest people, they will resolve that case. For this, they only need others remain open to them and loyal.
They have a great need in communication with beloved people. Those give them great amounts of energy and strength. You will never regret, if your friend is a Pisces.

Pisces-born possess incredible imagination and if using it correctly, can achieve the greatest highest and outstanding results. Commonly, they are good musicians, artists, social workers and so on. In most cases, they are successful in any job that requires work with other people or demands creativity.
They experience a great need for helping other people. This is their constant fixed idea and plan for life. They will give out all of their strengths to alter life of others for better. They are not afraid of back breaking work, are ardent, dependable and loyal. They are actually good in finding ways out of any difficulty.
Money is not of great interest for them. In most occasions, they give more heed to their dreams and life aims. Nevertheless, they are capable to earn enough money for their living.
Still, there may be two variants about them on how they manage their money. Some of them spend it, and commonly, do that for reasonable purchases. Others become greedy about it. No matter which behavior they choose, they will always have enough money.

Pisces-men are led by romanticism. They find pleasure is receiving and giving love, as well as brining pleasure in all of its manifestations. The quickest way of reaching their heart is to openly reveal all of your inner feelings and intentions. These identities are very trusty, overly-sensual, gentle and merciful. These are very kind-hearted and are always eager to help you at any cost. Care means a lot to them.
One of their main targets in life is to help other identities. They can quickly and slightly understand what powers reign inside of you and will immediately offer the way out. They can hardly withstand lies, betrayals and any sort of manipulations. They possess outstanding imaginations, which can greatly aid you. They adore entertainment and are very funny and peaceful folks. So, be sure that you will have good times with them.
Though calm and patient on the surface, they aren't the same inside. There is a constant struggle inside of them, as emotions commonly prevail over logic. Try to assure them in their own strength and capability to do everything excellently. Be careful with their emotions. Don't be pushy and try to reach stability in your relationships. Avoid confrontations, as these may scare Pisces-men off.

These women are kind-hearted, utterly sensual, merciful, aren't egoistic at all and possess incredible power of imagination. Try to be romantic and crack smart jokes, as they like entertainment and fun. Note also, that you ought to an excellent listener. Doing all of this, you enhance your chances for success in this deal.
These women are utterly merciful and their love is pretty uncommon. As soon as you get their attraction, they will be glad to open to you in the shortest terms. Sex with this women-type has an explosive character, for they have developed imagination. So, you won't be bored in bed.
These women adore interesting and smart conversations concerning the spiritual world and unconventional things. They possess great intuition and so, they'll immediately find out whether you are lying and that you need only sex. They require lasting relations. They strongly desire respect and you will not get their heart rushing and pushing on them. Be sincere and open. Seeing your openness, they will give you additional pluses.
They are naturally sensual and emotional. They won't forget and forgive quickly and the wound will run deep inside. Commonly, it takes a lot of time, prior they will be feeling secure again. Give them time without haste. And also, try to be romantic.