Leo Horoscope 2018
2018 is a year of a great importance for Leo. It is a year to understand that the most essential changes originate from the inside. Your thoughts, plans, desires, ambitions and dreams measure the height you can reach. The thing to start from is your inner world. All the answers will be there.
2018 is a very energetic period of your life. It has some challenges and opportunities ahead mostly of the practical kind. But generally, you are going to enter an amazing year.
When the Sun is in Leo, there will be a very interesting combination of Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Virgo and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. It is a time when your pragmatic and practical skills are at its finest. The things you accomplish in 2018 will help you successfully go through lots of years ahead. It is in your best interest to plan this year wisely.
When the lunar North Node is in Leo, the circumstances in your life would feel predestined, so the consequences after them will be long-lasting and influential as well.
January lunar eclipse in Leo will really affect your emotional condition, making sensitive issues from the past surface. In July lunar eclipse will have the Sun in Leo. During this period, you will feel way better, more emotionally stable and self-sufficient. In August you will have an amazing possibility to change your career status quo due to partial eclipse of the Sun. It is up to you to change it for better, so stay woke.
In July and August retrograde Mercury is in Leo. Your ruling planet Mars is in retrograde in Aquarius as well. It is a sign for you to calm down a little bit, to reduce pressure in your life. You need to get concentrated and prepared before making decisions. If you do this, you will win in the next few months.
Career horoscope 2018
Career of Leo in 2018 will have different phases. Though you might have difficulties with your career, they will turn out to be good for you as a result. You will get what you want. Despite the difficulties of the present days, you must look forward to future, as it has some benefits for you to offer. It is important for you to make plans, otherwise it is hard for you to complete everything on time. If you are detailed and rational, as well as friendly to communicate with, you will reach better relationships at work. During the first part of the year, you need to focus on your performance, and the second half will pay you back with stability (both financial and social) and calm period at work.
Love and Marriage horoscope 2018
It is going to be a massive year for Leo. It doesn’t matter if you are in relationships or not, both of you will witness and participate quite big changes. Saturn and Jupiter will enhance and sharpen your senses and you might even be too emotional. You need to work on the way you express your feelings, though it might be hard initially, it pays back fully. In order to enrich life with romantic atmosphere, both of you need to learn the art of compromising. Always be honest and direct with your partner and as soon as the issue appears – simply discuss it. If you are single, you should get ready for lots of romantic moments this year, but Leo needs to choose the right person.
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