The Real Possibilities of Astrology: What can it do? (Part 2)

moon, sea, human

We tend to experience long-termed influences by eclipses and so-called farther planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The things that we experience in the inner and outer world daily are ‘sponsored’ by closer or personal planets Venus, Mars, Mercury and by our satellite the Moon.

The followers of astrological study have a motto: ‘As Above, So Below’. It implicates that heavenly objects have impact on the situation down on Earth. People usually see the most obvious changes in human behavior for example in the periods of full Moon, while the astrologers see a more profound picture. We have no explanation why astrology influences us, but it surely does. Though we are living in the 21st century, there are too many unknown phenomena in our life that are maybe hidden from human’s understanding on purpose or maybe just for now.

Having the experience that astrologers accumulated through time, we can say that the Universe as a whole really wants us to be happy. The full Moons make hidden things surface so we can throw this burden off. The new Moons provide perfect time to start things and plant trees and greens. Particular aspects show us which changes we need to make now to succeed some time after. There are hard aspects that bring us troubles, but they are our examinations, which show us the areas that need more attention and help us temper our body and soul. Favors often wear the mask of challenge, it takes time to realize.

Positive vibes magnetize positive vibes. It is a law of the universe. If you do good things, work hard and honestly, you will get your prosperity. It will take some time, but the reward is always worth it. The basic principle that you need to understand: our life has a boomerang direction.

Do only things you really believe worth doing. Listen to your intuition, its unexplainable effect can save you from lots of situations you don’t want to trap in. It is your inner voice which signals you about presentiments; it is made to keep you safe. A lot of people don’t even take it into account, and it is wrong. It takes nothing to listen to your inner feeling and as a result you will have a better outcome most of the time. Cultivate it.

People who read this article should release their imagination. Be free to ask as many questions as you can, because the more you ask – the more you get. It is better to know more and choose than to be limited by a small amount of options. Astrology will help you to expand your horizon.

The Real Possibilities of Astrology: What can it do?

astrology, book, horoscope

Astrology can be very helpful for people in different situations. It can show the signs of hazardous situation ahead and warn you about it. Astrology can definitely show you the hidden skills and talents that haven’t surfaced yet and give you some advices on how to achieve success in practicing.

The Real Possibilities of Astrology: What can it do? (Part 3)

freedom, human, emotions

We tend to experience long-termed influences by eclipses and so-called farther planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The things that we experience in the inner and outer world daily are ‘sponsored’ by closer or personal planets Venus, Mars, Mercury and by our satellite the Moon.