Cancer Compatibility
Cancer needs to feel secure, but it achieves such security in a very special way. It seems like such people create a kind of shell around them and try to hide there if they feel danger. Regarding security their behavior reminds the behavior of a crab, which represents this zodiacal sign. Cancer is able to feel extremely deeply and they are enormously sensitive individuals. From time to time Cancer may become fractious and grumpy. Cancer doesn't like to capture the attention of the crowd or even company.
Cancer is the best family person of all zodiacal signs. They are able to feel love to the members of their family very deeply and they are very caring persons. They are always ready to protect their close people. Cancer is a great parents and perfect homemakers. Sentimentality is among the main traits of this zodiacal sign. As for astrology romance advices, water signs and earth signs fit Cancer better.
Best Matches for Cancer
Cancer + Taurus: Cancer and Taurus are two zodiacal signs which require security. In the most important things both of them wish for permanence. These features are the basis for the mutual way of life, common habits and similar behavior. Both these signs are thoughtful and delicate; they give their attention to the partner and take care of him/her. There is a difference between Cancer and Taurus, but their distinctions complement each other in the best way.
Cancer + Scorpio: Most of the signs cannot make durable relations with Scorpio because of its prickliness, but it's not about Cancer. In such union the distinctions of Cancer and Scorpio complement the individuality of partner in the greatest way. Cancer's aspiration to security helps Scorpio to feel safe and confident. Passionate Scorpio helps modest Cancer to become more opened in relationship. Both of them feel loved in such tandem.
Cancer + Virgo: Virgo is more practical than Cancer. This Virgo's trait is beneficial for such union because Cancer is more emotional and needs somebody nearby who has hard head. In its turn, Cancer brings colors of emotions into pragmatic Virgo's life. Both these zodiacal signs are thoughtful and caring. That is why they feel comfortable and loved together.
Cancer + Aries: This relationship has all chances to induce pain for both sides. Therefore, both partners have to work hard and with real desire to make everything right. There should be a lot of compromises. The partners are to adapt to the desires of one another and alter their own behavior. It goes without saying that this path will be utterly difficult. Nonetheless, it is worth memorizing the possible dividends. There will be deep inner understanding, which would make it possible to start unique and pleasant relations. In case of success, none would ever wish to finish such strong and emotionally deep relations.
Cancer + Pisces: Cancer and Pisces are both deeply emotional and emphatic signs. They have so many things in common. Pisces are a great companion to Cancer's desire to protect and care for someone. They have vivid and creative mind and always stimulate each other. If Pisces create ideas, Cancer understands how to make them work. Cancers are quite rational and Pisces provide the romance they need so much. It is a very harmonious couple, where partners understand and value needs of each other.
Worst Matches for Cancer
Cancer + Aquarius: It is difficult to combine the Aquarius' need in variability and joy and the Cancer's necessity of shelter and security. Cancer natives prefer to follow the well-known for them way, they don't risk and don't make experiments. At the same time Aquarius tend to try new approaches and new possibilities. Aquarius is more extravert sign unlike Cancer. Accordingly, there are difficulties in communication and understanding between them.
Cancer + Libra: Moodiness of Cancer is sorrowful for Libra, who doesn't like the fur flies and is not able to discuss the reasons of bad mood and make Cancer calm down. Libra is rather social and communicative, but introvert Cancer doesn't like to appear in companies. As a rule Cancer and Libra cannot find common language as Cancer acts under the influence of feelings, but Libra uses intellect to take decisions. So, even if there is something common between these two signs, this relationship is difficult to build.
Cancer + Gemini: Like all extraverts Gemini is not a good pair for introvert Cancer in spite of emotional level similarity of these two zodiacal signs. It is possible to compare Cancer with hermit, which hides from time to time. But Gemini likes society; it is surrounded by people and has pleasure of communication. Cancer's love to calmness and peace is difficult to combine with Gemini's love to unpredictability. These signs are excessively different for making relationship. If they feel sympathy to each other, their relationship, most likely, will finish after several dates.
Cancer + Leo: It is known that the Moon reflects the shining of the Sun. nonetheless; Cancer-individualities don’t seem to recognize any presence of joy directed from Leo partners. Leo-identities are known for their tremendous radiance of happiness and entertainment. They shine down on everybody. Still, Cancer cannot see that radiance. Probably, this is due to the fact that the Moon travels round the Earth?
Notwithstanding, this combination is specific. Both sides are strong in will and each knows what direction they should go. Probably, such lack of emotional connection and mutual understanding could be explained with the desire to help other less fortunate and happy signs out of Zodiac hierarchy. Cancer-identities are known for their overly emotional state and the opportunity to understand the feelings of others. In the meanwhile, Leo-identities are famous with their enormous warmth. If keeping these strengths to themselves, they have all possibilities to meet the one who would give them that love, which they wish and deserve.
Cancer + Sagittarius: Commonly, individualities born under these two signs are not really interested in one another and such unions happen rarely. Under condition, there is love and strong affection amongst them, such union would become utterly successful. Each side would only benefit from it. Commonly, when deep connection and mutual understanding are reached, both partners remain happy until the end of the days and none wishes to split the relationship. Nevertheless, only really strong support for one another can make this union durable and beneficial. Cancer can easily reach the bottom of the inner world of the partner, helping to open soul. Sagittarius widens the horizons of the partner, who conventionally hides from the world and is reluctant to undergo changes. Powerful feelings for each other can make miracles and both sides would be very happy.
Wild Cards for Cancer
Cancer + Cancer: There are two sides of the same coin. On the one hand two Cancers attract each other as both of them like security and crave for it. As well calmness and peace are necessary for both of them. On the other hand, there are difficulties which concern sensitiveness and a great emotionality. Cancers cannot discuss the reasons of some bad feelings or mood. Both of them close themselves in their shell. Nobody will start to discuss and neutralize conflict. If two Cancers wish to be together they have to learn to communicate, to forgive and to meet halfway.
Cancer + Capricorn: There are things which unite Cancer and Capricorn. Capricorn aspires to build secure surrounding as well as Cancer does. The ability and wish to make money is the aspect which helps Capricorn in security-building. It makes Cancer to feel safe and confident in this relationship. In its turn, Capricorn likes the way Cancer manages finances. Capricorn natives are rather traditional persons as well as representatives of Cancer. But Capricorn is not as emotional as Cancer and that is why Capricorn cannot understand the need of Cancer in attentiveness, sensuality and delicacy of partner. It leads to problems on the emotional level.
Astrology Relationship Compatibility

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