Dealing with Eclipses and How They Work

stone, monument, statue, moon5. Eclipses make the things going faster, so you have to change your routine.

Eclipses are followed by the events that should happen only in a longer period of time, but tend to happen way earlier. For example, you were planning to create a family in two or three years, but you and your partner managed to get enough money to make the first payment for your own house and everything went faster. Or another instance, your partner gets promotion that is really profitable, but both of you need to move to another city or country. All the plans that you had to create family were crushed and you need to elaborate another plan. Now you need to act faster to create a family, especially if you are moving to another country. As you can see the routine is quite an easy thing to break.

During an eclipse you will be amazed by the amount of events that are stuffed in one timeframe. Often, such rapid changes make us understand how fast the time is passing by, making us overly sensitive.

6. The aim of an eclipse is to reveal the truth to the area of your life that is going through changes, and the result will overwhelm you.

During an eclipse people often find out the truth or come to the conclusion about the thing that has never surfaced before. As soon as you get the information, it can become an accelerator of events and consequential actions you will have to undertake. Most of the time people are shocked or surprised by what is revealed. Eclipse in this case acts like an intermediate that makes you think, focus and act wisely. Don’t think that eclipses are evil, as they are here only to help you reach to another level, find the truth and make further steps to happier life, and the way up is always difficult.

There is another approach to understanding eclipses. Imagine that you got a piece of information straight from the sky. It provides you with information that in combination with what you experience in your life right now changes everything for you. It is rather enlightenment for you, and something inside you is being placed on the right spot. In addition you will understand the next steps you need to undertake, to make your life better. This is the way eclipses work: they clear up your mind and show you the future path.